Amesbury Parish Church
The Abbey Church of St Mary and St Melor
The Parochial Church Council (PCC) comprises the Trustees of the charity that is Amesbury Parish Church. It works with the vicar, its chairperson, to oversee and manage the life of the parish church. Currently the PCC has nine members, including our Churchwarden, Treasurer, Parish Safeguarding Officer and Deanery Synod Representative. We now focus our work around the three-fold (sub-committee) structure of Mission and Outreach, Finance and Stewardship, and Fabric and Fundraising.
Those on the Church Electoral Roll are eligible to be nominated for election to membership of the PCC and we would welcome new members. For more information about the PCC please contact the church by emailing
Members of the Parochial Church Council


Sophia Moody
Church Warden & Trustee

Andrew Robson

Ellie Turner

Rosemary Eaton

Katie Newman
Gift Aid, Events & Trustee

John Swindlehurst