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Amesbury Parish Church
The Abbey Church of St Mary and St Melor

This Week's Pew Sheet


First Sunday in Advent

(Purple) Year C

27 November 2022


Almighty God,

give us grace to cast away the works of darkness

and to put on the armour of light,

now in the time of this mortal life,

in which your Son Jesus Christ came to us in great humility;

that on the last day,

when he shall come again in his glorious majesty

to judge the living and the dead,

we may rise to the life immortal;

through him who is alive and reigns with you,

in the unity of the Holy Spirit,

one God, now and for ever.


Isaiah 2.1-5; Romans 13.11-end; Matthew 24.36-44


To you, O Lord, I lift up my soul (3 vv.)


God of Abraham and Sarah, and all the patriarchs of old, you are our Father too. 

Your love is revealed to us in Jesus Christ, 

Son of God and Son of David.

Help us in preparing to celebrate his birth 

To make our hearts ready for your Holy Spirit

To make his home among us.

We ask this through Jesus Christ, 

the light who is coming into the world. 

Today's Reader:         Graham Browning  

Today's Intercessor:  Shaula Crabtree

In our prayers this week:


The Sick:

Margery Gill; Tony Cash; Canon Alan Gill;  Pauline Jones; Jean Harding; Peter Davenport; Peter Davies; Margaret Felgate; David Porter; Cheryle Hansford; Pam Earley


The Departed:

David Robson

Anniversaries of death this week:

29th - Janna Jonkman

Rest eternal grant to them, O Lord;

and let light perpetual shine upon them.

May they rest in peace; and rise in glory.





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Celtic knot.jpeg


Isaiah 11.1-10; Romans 15.4-13; Matthew 3.1-12


27th The Stonehenge Deanery Chapter

28th Our local emergency services

29th Families in need in our parish

30th All local shops and businesses

1st Fr Darren and his family

2nd Local youth organisations

3rd All visitors to our church and parish


10am – People look East – Besancon Carol

Notices for the weekly pew sheet should be sent to Fr Darren by email, please. They will be included at the earliest available opportunity.



WELCOME to church for today’s services! After the Parish Eucharist please join us for refreshments in the North Transept.

Our Advent Carol Service with its ‘darkness to light’ theme takes place this evening at 6pm and is followed by mulled wine and mince pies. All welcome.

Just so you know…copies of the various refrains sung during the Responsorial Psalm are to be found inside the front cover of your hymn books. 


Distribution of Holy Communion: a shared chalice will now be available for those who wish to receive the wine alongside the host; please do not feel compelled if you are in any way anxious about this – full communion is received in either or both kinds. You are kindly requested to refrain from intinction (dipping) the wafer into the chalice. 

The Daily Offices of Morning Prayer (8.30am) and Evening Prayer (4pm) take place most weekdays in the Jesus Chapel. All are welcome. 


The Midweek Eucharist is held on Wednesdays at 11am in the Jesus Chapel. This is a short, quiet said service. All are welcome.


Christmas services: Sunday 18 December 6pm – Christmas Carol Service followed by festive refreshments. Christmas Eve – 4pm Crib and Christingle Service; 11.30pm – Midnight Mass. Christmas Day – 8am Holy Communion (BCP) and 10am Parish Eucharist for Christmas. If you can help with refreshments at the Carol Service(s), please let Sophie Moody know asap. Many thanks. 


We will be holding a Christmas Craft Fayre in church on Saturday 3 December 10am-3pm (note revised times). If you would can help on the day, please speak with Jeanette A’Court. Thank you.  


The Friends’ Christmas hamper draw will be held in church during refreshments following the Parish Eucharist on 11 December. Tickets are available from all committee members at £2.50 per book of 5 tickets. Several luxury hampers to be won! 

There will be an evening concert by the Amesbury Community Soul Singers and others in church on the evening of Saturday 17 December. Save the date – more details to follow!

Our next ‘Open Saturday’ will be on the morning of 17 December from 10am to 1pm. Come along and help to prepare the church for Christmas, accompanied by refreshments - give the church a clean, decorate the Christmas tree, arrange the Christmas flowers – there’s lots to join in with…All welcome!


There will be a Christmas Charity Concert by the Amesbury Community Soul Singers and others in church on Saturday 17 December at 7pm. Tickets are £7 each and are available online – see the poster on the outside notice board. Proceeds will go to the Trussell Trust and local foodbank. 

On Christmas Eve between 10am and 12noon we welcome you to join us in church to make Christingles and prepare the Crib – just come along and join in! Refreshments will be served. 


‘Have you thought about…’ being part of our church social committee? You would be involved in planning and arranging a variety of social events through the year, as part of our outreach to others. Interested? Please speak with Sophie Moody or Katie Newham. 

The work of our architect and contractors on the nave roof project has been recognised in the award of the King of Prussia Gold Award for conservation by the Ecclesiastical Architects and Surveyors Association and also a conservation award by the Salisbury Civic Society. Many congratulations!

Have you seen the coloured leaflets on the table near the church entrance? They are part of a set of information leaflets written in clear language which explain aspects of the Church’s faith and practice. The first one, entitled ‘Praying the Eucharist’ is available now - please take one. Other leaflets will be on offer in the coming months.  

The Amesbury Parish Church Living History Project is open for submissions. Did you have a significant moment in your life where the Amesbury Parish Church of St Mary and St Melor was the location? Please share your story in 500 words or less, indicating dates and attaching no more than two photos of the event by emailing with your submission. Deadline is December 31, 2022. Flyers for distribution are available in the church. 

PLEASE NOTE that this will be the final pew sheet sent out by email. With the increasing return to pre-pandemic practices, from next week hard copies will be available at church services instead. 

Please let Fr Darren know if you or someone else would like him to contact you/them in the coming weeks. Please also remember to provide a contact telephone number. 


Notices for the weekly pew sheet should be sent to Fr Darren by email, please. They will be included at the earliest available opportunity.  

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Fr Darren can be contacted on (01980) 259054 or His usual day off is Friday. He would be grateful to be spared all but emergency calls on that day.

Parish Mission Statement

Serving the community and growing in Christ.

Amesbury Parish Church
The Abbey Church of St Mary and St Melor

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This church takes its responsibilities surrounding the safeguarding of children, young people, and adults who may be at risk very seriously, and works in partnership with the Diocese of Salisbury to ensure that we work in accordance with best practice at all times.


A copy of our Parish Safeguarding Policy can be viewed inside the church, as well as by clicking here.

If you have any safeguarding questions or concerns you can contact our Parish Safeguarding Officer, Ms Ruth Davies by email Alternatively, you can contact the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisers, Mr Jem Carter and Ms Suzy Futcher, at 

©2024 Amesbury Parish Church

Church Street, Amesbury, Wiltshire, SP4 7EU

Registered charity number 1131218

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