It’s done! A week ahead of schedule, the roof repairs to our ancient Abbey Church are finished. The photograph shows, (from left to right) Ian Gangadeen, Site Manager, Emma Mullen, Architect, and Fr Darren A’Court, Vicar, inside the church showing the nave roof following the repairs. Now we must turn our attention to making the building COVID-safe before planning for its reopening.
Even before the present lockdown corporate worship has been heavily restricted, both in terms of the necessary precautions and limits on numbers on each occasion, though Sunday services held in the Wyndham Hall have been live-streamed on our Facebook page. The lockdown has necessitated reverting to live-streaming from the Vicarage without a gathered congregation, but we hope you will still join us for the Eucharist online. In time we will be back in our beautiful church building, though again probably under unusual conditions and restrictions.
Together, we all hope for easier times and something closer to what we have known as ‘normal’ living. Please look after each other during these challenging days. You may wish to ring three people to check how they are, then ask them to each ring three different people, and so on. Fr Darren is very happy to help and support anyone who would like contact and can provide a set of prayers for use at home if this is wanted; please do not hesitate to be in touch.